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Best place to invest money in Ireland in 2019

  Jan 2025 update: Our more recent post highlights the best investment opportunities for your money in 2025. Welcome to Moneycube’s annual roundup of the best investments available in Ireland. We’ve chosen five funds we think have strong potential, in 2019 and beyond. Whether you’re a new investor, looking to invest a large lump sum, or seeking … Continued

How to measure investment fund performance

Clearly the performance record of growth of a fund is of great interest.  But what counts as good investment fund performance?  In fact a fund’s track record over one, two or three months is of little interest to the medium-term investor. Here, Moneycube explores what really matters when looking for a strong-performing investment fund in … Continued

Can I afford to invest? Three questions before taking the plunge

Thanks to the web, investing your money in Ireland is easier than ever.  It’s also more affordable than ever, with Moneycube offering access to regular investments from just €250 per month, and lump sums from €2,500. But the basics still apply when figuring out if you can afford to invest.  Read on to learn more … Continued

What’s an index fund?

An index fund is a type of fund designed to track the performance of a particular market as closely as possible. The aim is to replicate the performance of that market, while keeping costs as low as possible, by setting the fund on ‘autopilot’, and reducing the need for expensive fund managers. Index funds in Ireland … Continued

Should you invest in UK-focused funds?

If investing is about putting your money into high-quality opportunities at fair prices, now could be a great time for Irish people to consider UK-focused funds. We explain why, and suggest a couple of options that could do the trick for Irish-based savers. Before we start – remember this isn’t an investment recommendation.  If you’d … Continued

Storm clouds gather: what’s an investor to do?

Last week was a bumpy ride for investors as markets dipped 2 or 3 per cent on Wednesday and Thursday, before flattening a little on Friday.  What’s going on?  And what’s to be done? The immediate cause here is rising US interest rates, which went up at the end of September, mainly in response to … Continued

The €100 billion question – come and meet us on 19 September

Households in Ireland had more than €102 billion saved in Irish banks at the end of June 2018. It’s a huge amount of money, and it’s earning next to nothing for the people who have left their money on deposit. Not much interest The Central Bank of Ireland reports that the average interest rate for … Continued

Does buy-to-let still stack up for investors in Ireland?

Despite Ireland’s housing shortage, it’s hard to make the numbers add up when it comes to investing in buy-to-let property. The individual landlord faces increasing regulation, professional competition, and a big bet on Ireland’s volatile property market. Moneycube describes what’s going on, and some investment alternatives if you’re considering a property investment. Update 17 May … Continued


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How to get started investing in Ireland