Pensions Awareness Week launches today

Pensions Awareness Week is back!   Pensions Awareness Week is an initiative to raise awareness about retirement planning, and help people take charge of their long-term savings. This year, we’re going digital. Taking place from 21 to 25 September, we will host webcasts, offer content and consultations, and speak up in the media.   We’ve … Continued

What should a financial plan cover?

Done right, a financial plan cuts stress, improves your finances, and helps you achieve your major goals in life. Like a jigsaw puzzle, a financial plan can have a lot of separate pieces, and different levels of detail.  It can be about your values and dreams as well as practicalities. But above all, it needs … Continued

What does Coronavirus mean for my pension?

Coronavirus hit the financial markets in a big way during March. As a result, many pension savers will have seen a drop in the value of their savings over the last few weeks. So should you take action? Read our five-point guide to find out what it all means for your retirement fund, and why … Continued

5 ways a good company pension plan can enhance your business

From our work advising small and medium-sized businesses, new businesses, and company owners, we find five factors distinguish strong pension offerings. Here’s Moneycube’s rundown on how business owners and managers can set up and run a successful company pension and benefits offering. 1. Keep it simple A company pension is something you want to set, … Continued

When can I retire if I was born in 1970?

Are you are a 1970s child and want to know when you can retire? In order to receive the State pension in Ireland, you’ll be waiting until at least 2038. But by making some changes now and taking charge of your pension plan, you might not have to wait that long to stop working. In … Continued

Why does investing seem so complicated?

Most people’s investment and pension aims are pretty simple.  To build up a nest egg for a house, a car, an education.  And to retire with a pension that lets you maintain your lifestyle, and maybe travel or do more of what you like to do. Why should that be so complicated? Investing can be … Continued

5 millennial money mistakes…and how to solve them

Not every millennial is spending their cash on avocado toast and cortado coffees. In fact, many in their twenties and early thirties know that doing the right thing now can make a massive difference to your wealth. But translating that into practical steps can be hard.  Tired of reading about how you’re doing it wrong? … Continued

Contractor pensions: a practical guide on how to get started

There is a lot of evidence that we postpone retirement planning because we find it too complicated and overwhelming.  Don’t.   When it comes to sorting your pension, you won’t sort it all at once.  What’s important right now is to start as soon as you can, obtain the tax advantages, and get into a … Continued