A financial plan isn’t just a monthly budget. It’s a roadmap to financial freedom, confidence and security.

From how to choose a financial advisor to understanding common financial terms, our financial planning blog will help you move towards your financial goals.

Please remember that this blog is not financial advice. To receive advice using Moneycube, click here to contact us.

What’s an ARF?

An Approved Retirement Fund, or ARF, is a pot for your pension money after you retire. When you retire, the pension fund(s) you have paid into (perhaps an executive pension, a personal pension, or a PRSA), are available to you.  You can then take decisions on what to do with this money. One of your … Continued

Why watching the market is a waste of time

At Moneycube we want to help people take control of their savings.  But that doesn’t mean you should pay much attention to the ups and downs of the stock market, or bother checking your investments every day. Here’s why – and what you should do instead. Investing is a long term game Most news is … Continued

Do women make better investors?

Research by UK investment experts Hargreaves Lansdown earlier this year found that investments by their female customers had outperformed those by men by 0.81% over a three-year period. If that trend continued over thirty years, Hargreaves calculated, the women’s savings pot would be 25% larger than the men’s! Hargreaves found several reasons for women investors’ … Continued

Why Irish investors need to think globally

At around €27 billion, Ireland’s largest listed company, CRH, represents around 0.03% of the market value of global listed businesses. Clearly, if you limit yourself to investing in Irish market, you are accessing only a tiny proportion of what’s out there. Only a few industries What’s more, if your money is focused on Irish businesses, … Continued

What’s an AMRF?

An Approved Minimum Retirement Fund, or AMRF, is a pot for your pension money after you retire. Update Jan 2022: ARMFs were effectively abolished by the government from 1 January 2022. In practice, it’s very similar to an Approved Retirement Fund (ARF). If you were less than 75 years old, and don’t have a guaranteed pension … Continued

The difference starting today can make to your investments

We all feel that we should have done more to build up our savings and retirement plans. But what’s important is making a start today, not worrying about missed opportunities in the past. The reason for this is compounding – that is, when the growth in your investment is reinvested, and generates additional growth. The … Continued

60-second investments health check

Are your money plans financially fit?  Here’s Moneycube’s one-minute financial health check-up on your investments. Take the pulse of your investments This spring has seen a marked rise in volatility in the markets.  That will create winners and losers.  Do your investments fit with your true appetite for risk and reward? If you invested some … Continued

Sorting your investments when you move to Ireland from the UK

Around 19,000 people move to Ireland from the UK to live each year. If you’re one of them, here’s our guide to the big questions when it comes to sorting the investments and pensions you’ve already built up abroad. Can I hang on to my existing ISA, investments and pensions? In general, you can hold on … Continued

How to choose a financial adviser

Choosing the right financial adviser can save you a lot of time, money and hassle.  Here’s Moneycube’s 5 point guide to getting the help you need, the way you want it.  1. Who needs advice? Before you jump in, think carefully about where advice will really be valuable.  There’s no point in paying for something … Continued