A financial plan isn’t just a monthly budget. It’s a roadmap to financial freedom, confidence and security.

From how to choose a financial advisor to understanding common financial terms, our financial planning blog will help you move towards your financial goals.

Please remember that this blog is not financial advice. To receive advice using Moneycube, click here to contact us.

Saving and investing for grandchildren

Investing for grandchildren is a long term game.  Moneycube outlines the options available in Ireland, and explains our preferred approach. How much? Let’s cut to the chase.  Your approach to saving for your grandchild’s future depends heavily on how much cash you’re planning to put away, and how quickly. Play it smart, and you can … Continued

What is investing?

Dictionary corner: What is investing?  It is committing money now in the expectation of future profit. Sounds great Moneycube, but what does it really mean, and is it for me? If you’ve landed here, you’re probably tired of watching your bank savings ebb away through charges and price rises.  Maybe you’ve read one of our … Continued

5 millennial money mistakes…and how to solve them

Not every millennial is spending their cash on avocado toast and cortado coffees. In fact, many in their twenties and early thirties know that doing the right thing now can make a massive difference to your wealth. But translating that into practical steps can be hard.  Tired of reading about how you’re doing it wrong? … Continued

Should I invest in ETFs?

Exchange traded funds, or ETFs, are the investing vogue of recent years.  Global assets held by ETFs are now worth a cool $4.2 trillion. Moneycube explains what they’re good for, and why investment funds remain a better bet for most of our customers. What’s an ETF? Exchange-traded funds are funds traded on a stock exchange.  … Continued

5 tips for the beginner investor in Ireland

Keen to make the most of your money?  Considering investing your money for the first time? Read Moneycube’s 5 practical tips for the beginner investor before you take the plunge. 1. Start small… and make it a habit Investing is not only for the wealthy – it’s for those who want to become wealthy.  What’s … Continued

DIY investing: the true costs

Moneycube believes we should all take control of our money. But that doesn’t mean you should do everything yourself.  Putting your investment plans together isn’t as easy as assembling a flat-pack (and even that gets complicated). Here are some reasons to think twice before getting your financial overalls on, and to consider web-based financial advice … Continued

Capital protected investments: just say no

Lots of investors in Ireland are advised by Irish brokers to put their money into capital protected investments.  At Moneycube, we believe these investments aren’t right for most people. Capital protected investments (also sold as kick-out bonds, tracker-bonds and guaranteed structured products) are sometimes presented as a one-way bet. You might think your capital is guaranteed, … Continued

Best commercial property investment funds

Update 29 Jan 2020: Irish property funds under pressure as investors rush for the exit.  Read Moneycube’s view There’s no getting away from Irish people’s love of property investment. Now buying a house to live in might be increasingly difficult.  But commercial property investment funds offer you a bite-sized way to get financial exposure to … Continued

Contractor pensions: a practical guide on how to get started

There is a lot of evidence that we postpone retirement planning because we find it too complicated and overwhelming.  Don’t.   When it comes to sorting your pension, you won’t sort it all at once.  What’s important right now is to start as soon as you can, obtain the tax advantages, and get into a … Continued