Moneycube’s investment service is designed to make investing simple, convenient and great value.

If you’re thinking of investing your money, you’ll find the answers to many of your questions at your fingertips in our investment blog. From deciding how much to invest, to investment fund analysis, to meeting our users, click the links below to find out more, or visit our investments centre here.

Please remember that this blog is not financial advice. To receive advice and invest using Moneycube, click here.

Moneycube’s midyear market review 2021

The markets have been a positive place for your money in the first half of 2021. There were decent gains to be had in equities, corporate bonds (mostly) and many commodities. What drove that performance, and what does it mean for the next six months, and beyond? Equities had three tailwinds in H1 In Euro … Continued

How do I manage my financial affairs effectively?

Introducing Moneydocs At Moneycube, we’re big believers in helping you take control of your money. That’s why we’ve created Moneydocs. You can download it here. DOWNLOAD What does Moneydocs do? It’s a place for you to record your key financial information – both to make it easier for you to run your financial life, and … Continued

Six levels of risk: try our quiz on investment risk

Moneycube is designed to put you, the investor, in the driving seat.  As part of that, we have identified six levels of risk appetite. In the investment world, risk and reward are linked.  In general, to deliver higher long-term returns, you need to take more risk.  That said, there are options out there for all … Continued

Question of the month: how should I invest €150,000?

We recently sold our house in a busy commuter town to move to the country, as we are both able to work mostly from home and felt we could get a house for less and do something with the difference. We did better than expected on the sale and, combined with our savings, have just … Continued

How to invest a windfall

An inheritance, a bonus, selling your business or winning the lottery: receiving a windfall lump sum can be life-changing. Moneycube has some simple rules to get the best out of a cash windfall. 1. Focus on wealth preservation Becoming wealthy is about growing your assets.  Staying wealthy is about preserving them. That means minimising your … Continued

Easiest way to invest in Vanguard S&P 500 in Ireland

‘Never bet against America’, says legendary investor Warren Buffett.  He’s among many who have suggested that investing in the S&P 500 is a viable approach for many investors with a long-term horizon.  So what’s the S&P 500, why is it of interest to an Ireland-based investor, and how can you access it? What is the … Continued

When is the best time to invest?

If you’re contemplating investing a lump sum, it’s natural to ask, is now the right time? Pare it back, and there are really two questions here: Am I ready to invest? Are the markets ready for me? Let’s take them in reverse order. 1. Are markets going to go up? Short-term, this is impossible to … Continued


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How to get started investing in Ireland