Moneycube’s investment service is designed to make investing simple, convenient and great value.

If you’re thinking of investing your money, you’ll find the answers to many of your questions at your fingertips in our investment blog. From deciding how much to invest, to investment fund analysis, to meeting our users, click the links below to find out more, or visit our investments centre here.

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Should you invest in funds or shares?

When it comes to investing your money in companies, there are two main approaches. You can buy company shares directly, or put your money into a fund which does the work for you. Read on to discover what’s right for you. Investing in shares, typically through a stockbroker, lets you plump for companies you think … Continued

The difference starting today can make to your investments

We all feel that we should have done more to build up our savings and retirement plans. But what’s important is making a start today, not worrying about missed opportunities in the past. The reason for this is compounding – that is, when the growth in your investment is reinvested, and generates additional growth. The … Continued

How to choose ‘buy and forget’ funds for the long term

One of the best ways to invest your money is to choose solid investments and then leave them alone, to let time do its work. Here’s Moneycube’s 5-point plan for Irish investors who want to ‘buy and forget’. 1. Keep it simple: use investment funds For most people, investing is not about researching hundreds of … Continued

60-second investments health check

Are your money plans financially fit?  Here’s Moneycube’s one-minute financial health check-up on your investments. Take the pulse of your investments This spring has seen a marked rise in volatility in the markets.  That will create winners and losers.  Do your investments fit with your true appetite for risk and reward? If you invested some … Continued

Sorting your investments when you move to Ireland from the UK

Around 19,000 people move to Ireland from the UK to live each year. If you’re one of them, here’s our guide to the big questions when it comes to sorting the investments and pensions you’ve already built up abroad. Can I hang on to my existing ISA, investments and pensions? In general, you can hold on … Continued

Cash, shares and property: which has performed best?

Property and bank deposits are favourite investment classes for Irish people, but how do these investments compare with company shares? Moneycube has investigated the returns of each asset class since 2005. As the chart shows, investing in global stock markets at the start of 2005 would have produced by far the largest return. A notional €100,000 … Continued

Investing for income: five ways to make your investments pay a salary

If you’re looking to draw a regular income from your savings, it’s hard to ignore the need to invest it. With bank interest rates so low in Ireland, you’d need something north of €25 million on deposit to draw a €50,000 net income from the interest! That’s why many people have looked at investing some … Continued

Rabodirect’s closing – what are my alternatives?

So, after 13 years in Ireland, Rabodirect announced on 21 February that they are shutting the doors.  Moneycube outlines some alternatives for the hungry saver. What’s happened? Netherlands-based Rabobank will close down its Irish operation, Rabodirect, on 16 May 2018.  That gives its customers a bare 6 weeks to sort out an alternative home for … Continued

What inflation did to your savings in February

At Moneycube we believe more people should think about investing their savings. One big reason for that is that it is almost impossible now to make any money by leaving it on deposit in the bank.  Deposit rates in Ireland continue at near-zero levels. Inflation’s off again But inflation has been climbing again, as data … Continued


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How to get started investing in Ireland