Moneycube’s investment service is designed to make investing simple, convenient and great value.

If you’re thinking of investing your money, you’ll find the answers to many of your questions at your fingertips in our investment blog. From deciding how much to invest, to investment fund analysis, to meeting our users, click the links below to find out more, or visit our investments centre here.

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How to invest a lump sum

Five questions really count if you’re planning to invest a lump sum. 1. How much work you’re prepared to do Some investments need more of your attention than others.  The great thing about placing a lump sum in an investment fund is that your money is managed professionally on your behalf – both by the … Continued

The best bank in Ireland is not a bank

Even the best bank in Ireland is charging you way over the odds for basic services. It’s well documented that Irish people and businesses pay more and get less from their banks, compared to other European countries.  (Take a look here, here and here for evidence). But now we know that Sparkasse, a major German … Continued

Why looking for the perfect investment is making you poorer

We all want to do what’s best with our money.  Figuring out what’s best is a little more difficult. For sure, no-one wants to be left feeling they made an investment that won’t perform.  But it’s just as important to avoid waiting forever for the “perfect” savings opportunity to come along. The trouble is, perfection … Continued

Financial advisor fees explained

At Moneycube we strongly believe in bringing transparency to investors.  For too long, investing has been made seem mysterious – usually in order to charge excessive fees. Here’s Moneycube’s rundown on advisor fees to consider for when investing. Pay direct, or via commission Fees mostly come in two basic flavours: ongoing, and one-off fees – explained … Continued

Five mistakes new investors make

Investing your money can get complicated.  Here’s Moneycube’s roundup of the investing mistakes we spend time talking people out of. No goal It’s always better if you start with your end in mind. What is successful investment for you?  If you’re 30 and tucking away surplus cash, it’s going to look a little different from … Continued

Active investing vs passives: what’s right for Irish savers?

There’s a revolution going on in the global investment industry right now.  Passive investing is eating active managers’ lunch. A deluge of money is being taken out of actively managed funds, and placed in passive, or index funds.  Those highly-paid people in pinstripes are losing out to computers which can be set to track an … Continued

We loved SSIAs… what could replace them?

Remember the Special Savings Incentive Account (SSIA)?  It’s been ten years since these matured, creating a nest-egg totalling €14 billion. 1.2 million Irish people took one out.  It was a no-brainer: every €4 you put in, the state added €1.  A five-year savings plan, with a 25% top-up, guaranteed. The average age of SSIA account … Continued

What inflation did to your savings in July

July inflation numbers are out, and for the canny saver, it could be worse.  With the summer sales, prices remained flat. But it’s a strange world where watching your money tread water is a good result.  At Moneycube, we believe more people should think about investing their savings for growth. One big reason for that … Continued

How robo-advice can help you build your wealth

Robo-advice is changing how people in Ireland build their wealth. We’ve been blogging on about robo-advisors, and how they can help you take charge of your finances. What’s robo-advice? Robo-advisors, or automated investment advisors, are platforms that use algorithms to handle parts of the investment process.  That reduces the need for human involvement.  It means cheaper, … Continued


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How to get started investing in Ireland