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Investing in money market funds

Investor interest in money market funds has exploded in the last 18 months.  In 2023, global value of funds in the money market increased 17% to US$ 9.9 trillion according to ratings agency Fitch.  So what’s a money market fund, why would you want to invest in one?  What are the advantages… and the risks? … Continued

Dealing with volatility in your investment portfolio

Is the stock market getting more volatile?  Or does it just seem that way?  And what should you do about it? There’s no doubt the 2020s have been chock-full of shocks so far. We might have hoped for a roaring twenties… in fact we’ve had pandemics, war, and shortages driving inflation. For sure, the world … Continued

Zurich Prisma funds review

Zurich Prisma funds are one of the best-known multi-asset ranges in Ireland. Against comparable funds, they are consistently at or near the top of their peer group. In fact, around 100,000 people in Ireland have invest in Prisma. So what are Zurich Prisma funds, how do they perform, and should you invest in them? What … Continued

How to invest an inheritance

Receiving an inheritance can be life-changing.  It can be unexpected, of uncertain timing – and can come with a lot of emotion attached. A lot of people feel an obligation to ‘do the right thing’ when considering how to invest an inheritance. But what’s the right thing? If you’ve inherited money – or received a … Continued

TINA or TARA?  Time to choose as interest rate cuts approach

For much of the 2010s, investors stuck loyally to TINA.  The mantra was that in an era of rock-bottom interest rates, There Is No Alternative to investing in equities. But with central bank interest rate hikes over the last three years, investment wags pointed out that TARA had arrived on the scene: There Are Reasonable … Continued

Investing in China: where did it all go wrong?

China’s stock market hit a five-year low in February. As China celebrates new year, what’s gone wrong? It’s not long since investing in China was the big new opportunity in investment markets.  Alongside the west coast of the US, it was a region of the world capable of building trillion-dollar tech firms.  It had a … Continued

Best place to invest money in Ireland in 2024

Welcome to Moneycube’s annual roundup of the best investments available in Ireland. Jan 2025 update: Our more recent post highlights the best investment opportunities for your money in 2025. We’ve chosen five funds we think have strong potential for the year ahead in the wake of tricky 2023, and a promising start to 2024.  If you’re looking … Continued

Where next for the Magnificent Seven?

Until six months ago, the Magnificent Seven was a film.  And though there were once the Seven Sisters, these seven companies which dominated the global energy industry – and the stock market – have long faded in prominence. But the exceptional growth in seven mainly technology stocks during 2023 has seen them take the title. … Continued


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How to get started investing in Ireland