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What will drive markets in 2022?

Predictions are hard – especially about the future, goes the old adage.  But many of the factors that drove a 27% return in developed markets for the first 11 months of 2021 are still with us going into 2022. So what should investors look out for in the markets in 2022?  Here are five trends … Continued

KBC investments are on the way out. What are the alternatives?

KBC investments are disappearing from the Irish landscape.  The bank is heading for the exit, and people in Ireland who have invested their savings with them have decisions to make. If you have a regular or lump sum investment with KBC Bank, what should you do? We outline your options. This article is on regular … Continued

Can ethical investing really help in the fight against climate change?

As global leaders and climate activists meet in Glasgow for COP26, we look at the part pensions can play in addressing climate change.  This article is adapted from a Moneycube opinion piece which appeared in The Journal on 3 November 2021.  What links climate change, the Black Lives Matter movement and the Facebook whistleblowing controversy? They’re … Continued

Company investments: put your excess cash to work

Central Bank of Ireland statistics show Irish companies had cash on deposit of over €142 billion in June 2021. That’s a heck of a lot of unproductive cash earning zero – or possibly negative – returns. If you run a small- or medium-sized business in Ireland, here are five good reasons to consider investing some … Continued

Question of the month: Should I invest via my local bank?

I have held around €40,000 in cash savings for some time. My bank recently approached me and suggested that I invest some of the cash I have saved with them. Should I take its advice? – Anon, Co Meath Ireland’s banks have been grappling with a strange problem lately: too much money. These days, minding … Continued

Investing in private equity

Sometimes the challenge with investing is not identifying great opportunities – but getting access to them.  Many of the best growth stories in recent years have come from companies that have stayed away from the public markets, and grown with private capital. Stripe and Revolut are just two examples of multi-billion businesses that have grown … Continued


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How to get started investing in Ireland