> Company pensions > Review or switch your company pension

Review or switch your company pension

Not getting the service you deserve?  Worried that you are overpaying for your existing company pension plan?

Pensions have moved on in the last few years. They’re more flexible, cheaper and more transparent.

And crucially, the company doesn’t have to get too involved in day-to-day running.

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Why review your company pension?

Many Irish businesses continue to operate with workplace pension schemes set up many years ago.  That can mean you’re not getting the benefits of what’s available in the market today.

We can help you reduce or remove costs to the company, drive down charges to employees, enhance benefits, reduce admin, and improve customer service.

That’s why it’s almost always worth reviewing your company pension provision every few years, especially in a fast-growth situation.

What happens next?

At the end of our review, you’ll be clear on the benefits and cost savings available to you by updating your pension arrangements.

If you choose to switch your pension advisor or pension provider, Moneycube will work to make that switch simple.

Our approach has three strands:

1. Develop the plan

Companies need clarity the steps being taken, timing, and any demand on internal resources before flicking the switch on a pension plan change.

We help you develop a no-surprises implementation plan to make your pensions upgrade go smoothly.

2. Dedicated switching team

Once the change is underway, we secure dedicated resources at the pension provider to complete the move.

A single point of contact, face-to-face planning sessions, and a clear implementation plan means you’ll be up and running quickly.

3. Communicate and engage with your employees

For a workplace pension to be a success, your employees need to be clear on the benefits it brings.

Whether it’s engaging with management, pension first-timers, or offsite staff, we work hard to connect with your people, provide them with the information they require, and help them get the most out of their pension arrangements.

Read on: Health and workplace benefits


Starting a company pension, or upgrading your workplace benefits? Our free ebook guides you through your options, and shows you how to put a compelling plan in place.

Company Pensions for SMEs