5 money mistakes to avoid in your 30s

The average age in Ireland is 37.4, and it’s a time of life when money matters start to get serious.  Here’s our top 5 money mistakes to avoid in your 30s. 1. Searching for perfection Too often we burn up time in search of the perfect solution… and end up doing nothing.  With money matters, … Continued

Should I take out a PRSA with my bank?

4 questions to ask before you sign up for a PRSA There are several reasons to consider starting a PRSA (Personal Retirement Savings Account) with your local bank. Starting a pension is a good move no matter how you do it. But before you sign up to a pension with an Irish bank, here are … Continued

Some types of investment risk… and what you can do about them

Whether your money is invested in funds, on deposit at the bank, or squirreled away under the mattress, you’re faced with investment risk. Here, we outline four main kinds of risk your money faces, and what you can do about it. What is investment risk? As we’ve heard many times, investing involves risk: your investment … Continued

Question of the month: should I buy Ryanair shares?

I’m thinking of investing €10,000 in Ryanair shares.  Is that too little to invest – and is there a better alternative? – Margaret, Dublin Update 30 March 2020: this article was written before the major market moves of recent weeks – but its perspective rings even more true now.  If you’re interested in Moneycube’s view … Continued

Investing for children: how Moneycube can help

Investing for children has moved on from Henry the Hippo.  Whether it’s planning for the cost of education, or a headstart in adult life, many parents see the advantages of putting money away now for their kids’ future. Trouble is, it’s not obvious how.  So too many parents end up putting their cash into poor-paying … Continued

Are KBC investment funds any good?

Update 12 November 2021: KBC Bank is leaving Ireland. Interested in alternatives?  Click the links below.  Alternatives to KBC investments Alternatives to KBC pensions KBC Bank has made a great effort to explain investing in Ireland, offering investments from just €125. So should you invest in KBC’s funds? We’ve reviewed their offering to help you decide. Read … Continued

The simplest pension in Ireland

A simple investment strategy, with a leading Irish pensions provider, at a clear, great value price – what’s not to like? Keep it simple is perhaps the best rule of finance. Pensions in Ireland have a reputation for flouting the rule.  But it doesn’t have to be that way. Moneycube has put together a super-simple pension … Continued

Affected by a credit union savings cap? Here are some alternatives

Credit unions are one Ireland’s quiet financial services success stories.  Usually based on local or employment connection, they have helped millions of members boost their savings and manage their money. As people’s savings and earnings have recovered over recent years, more and more money is flowing into credit union savings. A sign of success – … Continued

Ethical investment options in Ireland

Taking control of your money is increasingly about making sure it’s invested in an ethical way. There are several good options for socially responsibly investors in the Irish market. Interested in investing your pension or savings in an ESG-rated fund?  Visit our ethical funds centre to find out more. What’s ethical investing? Ethical investing (or … Continued