Question of the month: how do I set up a trust fund?

My wife passed away recently and asked me to set up a form of trust fund for our four grandchildren, aged 18 months to eight years old. She didn’t want them to get access to this until they reach 28 years old. Who would be best to advise on this and where should it be … Continued

Taking the temperature in Silicon Valley

Silicon Valley is a storied part of the US economy, and even the American dream. It has been the birthplace of numerous world-beating businesses for decades, from Hewlett-Packard and Intel in the twentieth century to Nvidia and Apple today.  What’s made the San Francisco Bay Area so successful? Its success is built on a fertile … Continued

Starting a pension when you’re self employed and in your 40s

If you work for yourself, funding a self-employed pension is something that can get left behind.  There are plenty of competing demands on your cash, especially in the early years of trading.  Here’s how you can make a start on your pension if you’re in your 40s and self-employed. Some good news to begin with … Continued

What would it take to accelerate your retirement?

Most people let retirement happen to them.  Typically, it happens following a big birthday. But it doesn’t have to be that way. These days, our jobs are often shorter in duration, and careers more flexible, with several iterations. There’s much more opportunity to control the time you’ll retire. So what would it take to be … Continued

What is rebalancing?

Rebalancing is the process of adjusting your investments between different types of assets. It’s best explained by an example. Imagine you had originally bought a portfolio of investments, split 50:50 between company shares and bonds. (See the left-hand bar on the chart above).  You then plan to leave it some time to do its work, growing … Continued

Investing in money market funds

Investor interest in money market funds has exploded in the last 18 months.  In 2023, global value of funds in the money market increased 17% to US$ 9.9 trillion according to ratings agency Fitch.  So what’s a money market fund, why would you want to invest in one?  What are the advantages… and the risks? … Continued