We loved SSIAs… what could replace them?

Remember the Special Savings Incentive Account (SSIA)?  It’s been ten years since these matured, creating a nest-egg totalling €14 billion. 1.2 million Irish people took one out.  It was a no-brainer: every €4 you put in, the state added €1.  A five-year savings plan, with a 25% top-up, guaranteed. The average age of SSIA account … Continued

What inflation did to your savings in July

July inflation numbers are out, and for the canny saver, it could be worse.  With the summer sales, prices remained flat. But it’s a strange world where watching your money tread water is a good result.  At Moneycube, we believe more people should think about investing their savings for growth. One big reason for that … Continued

How robo-advice can help you build your wealth

Robo-advice is changing how people in Ireland build their wealth. We’ve been blogging on Enough.ie about robo-advisors, and how they can help you take charge of your finances. What’s robo-advice? Robo-advisors, or automated investment advisors, are platforms that use algorithms to handle parts of the investment process.  That reduces the need for human involvement.  It means cheaper, … Continued

I’m 25: is it worth investing €2,500?

There are many reasons you could run in to €2,500. (Here’s one way).  The important thing right now isn’t how you got it, but what you’re going to do with it.  Is it worth investing it? Some might spend it on a holiday or retail therapy.  Others however, want something to show for their money. … Continued

The financial crisis, 10 years on: what Irish people do differently now

It’s been ten years since the global financial crisis kicked off. Our founder Ralph Benson has been blogging on Medium about how the financial crisis changed people’s behaviour permanently. In particular the crisis made us see the need to take charge of our own finances – which is why Moneycube exists. Click here to read … Continued

How rich are the Irish?

Moneycube examines our average wealth Read our July infographic to learn exactly how rich are the Irish, and where they keep it. Sources: Moneycube estimates; Central Bank of Ireland; Standard Life; Central Statistics Office

How fintech is changing investing in Ireland

The Irish fintech scene goes from strength to strength, as this map, by the guys at Fintech Ireland, shows.  And Moneycube is doing its bit to introduce technology into the investing process. But what does the buzz about financial technology mean for your savings, investments and pension?  Here’s Moneycube’s guide to how fintech is changing … Continued

Why smart investors prefer long term investing

Sometimes, the best thing you can do with your investments is… nothing.  Like most successful game plans, long term investing demands patience. One of the most successful approaches you can take to investing is to place your money into investments that have good growth prospects, and leave them alone for a decent period of time. … Continued

Best ways to invest €50,000 in Ireland

Start at the end With €50,000 to invest, it’s well worth considering your goal.  What’s the money for, and how much will you need?  Everything else is working back from here. Avoid extremes Deciding your goal will reveal the most suitable investment type.  At this kind of money, best avoid extremes. Except if you need … Continued