How we select an investment with you

How We Select An Investment With You

It’s all about funds

At Moneycube, we believe that investment funds are the best way for most people to invest their money.  (Here’s why).

We have relationships with all five life assurance companies which offer investment funds in Ireland.  (That’s Aviva, Irish Life, New Ireland, Standard Life Aberdeen, and Zurich).  We also work with Conexim, who provide access to more than 4,500 international funds.

Our speciality is multi-asset funds.  These funds spread investors’ money among shares, bonds, property and other asset classes.

The fund providers we work with all supply multi-asset funds with a range of different risk/ reward appetites.  A major benefit to you is that if your appetite for risk and reward should change, you can adjust your investment without incurring any costs.

Selecting an investment: Moneycube’s 7 tests

Our investment recommendation process has been designed to choose the most suitable opportunity for your needs.  We focus on seven key factors:

1. How much you’d like to invest, and how often

Some investments charge extra for regular contributions, or require you to lock your money for several years, rather than access it if you need it.  We walk away from them.

2. Your investing timescale

Investing is never just for the short term.  The longer you can afford to invest for, the greater risks you can take in pursuit of higher profit.  Your investment has time to recover from any short-term setbacks.
Appetite For Risk And Reward

3. Your appetite for risk, and reward

These two are usually linked. In general, if you’re prepared to bear higher risks, you can expect higher reward over the long term.  Barclays research has shown that over a 20-year period, investing in shares has outperformed cash 99% of the time!

4. Cost

The cost to access a particular investment fund. The investments industry abounds with hidden charges, which eat into your profits.  When selecting an investment, we scrutinise these so you get great value and no surprises.Bram Naus 200967 Unsplash 1 &Ndash; How We Select An Investment With You

5. Performance

The performance, outlook and underlying assets in an investment funds. We all know the adage that ‘past performance is not a guarantee of future results’.  But an investment fund’s management style, and the assets it already owns, are fundamental to what’s going to happen in the future.

6. Financial strength and reputation of the fund provider

Moneycube only recommends well-capitalised, leading asset managers who operate under high-quality European regulatory regimes.

7. Tax

One of life’s certainties, so we anticipate it for you.  For instance, you can’t beat investing in a pension as a tax-efficient way to save money.  To take another example, investing in overseas funds means you’ll have to complete a tax return – and that’s not for everyone.  That’s why our recommendation takes into account your tax circumstances.


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