Starting a pension when you’re self employed and in your 40s

If you work for yourself, funding a self-employed pension is something that can get left behind.  There are plenty of competing demands on your cash, especially in the early years of trading.  Here’s how you can make a start on your pension if you’re in your 40s and self-employed. Some good news to begin with … Continued

How much can I afford to put in my pension?

If you’re asking ‘How much can I afford to put in my pension?’ when there’s a cost of living crisis, challenging market conditions, and rising housing costs, you’re not alone. Fact is, there is too much guilt around pensions. We’re always being told we should save more.  But deciding how much depends on what you … Continued

Approaching retirement age? A conversation with

A person who’s approaching retirement today, could spend as much time in retirement as they did while working. Planning for how you’ll fund it is vital. We’ve been speaking with comparison site on what it means for people in Ireland. Listen to the podcast, or read the transcript below – updated for 2022 conditions – … Continued

AMRF changes – what’s happening?

There’s no doubt that the Irish pensions landscape could benefit from being simpler. So the abolition of Approved Minimum Retirement Funds, or AMRFs from 1 January 2022 is broadly to be welcomed. But what does it mean if you’re approaching retirement, or if you already have an AMRF?  We’ve set out the main considerations for … Continued

How far does €500k go towards retirement in Ireland?

With the average pension pot in Ireland somewhere in the region of €90,000, a pension pot of half a million is something many people can only dream of. But how far would it get you?  We’ve carved up a notional €500,000 pension fund at retirement to see if it’s enough. Planning to retire soon, or … Continued

Can I be forced to retire?

This guest blog comes from our friends at Reddy Charlton, the Dublin legal firm with a specialism in employment and pensions questions. Partner and employment law specialist Laura Graham explains the law concerning when you retire.  In particular, the law does not generally specify a retirement age, and you can negotiate your retirement age with … Continued