Starting a pension when you’re self employed and in your 40s

If you work for yourself, funding a self-employed pension is something that can get left behind.  There are plenty of competing demands on your cash, especially in the early years of trading.  Here’s how you can make a start on your pension if you’re in your 40s and self-employed. Some good news to begin with … Continued

Auto-enrolment in Ireland: how will it affect you?

Auto-enrolment in Ireland: if you’re serious about your pension, Ireland’s auto-enrolment solution won’t get you there Moneycube’s calculations indicate a regular person can hope for a retirement income of just under €12,000 per year using Ireland’s promised auto-enrolment programme.   On 29 March the government announced auto-enrolment really is coming to Ireland – in 2024. … Continued

What should I do with my KBC PRSA pension?

KBC’s leaving Ireland. The Belgian bank that once seemed set to challenge the dominance of AIB, Bank of Ireland and Permanent TSB is packing its bags.  If you have PRSA pension with KBC Bank, should you stick with it or move? We outline your options. The KBC PRSA seemed a great alternative When it comes … Continued

What are your pension options when you leave your job?

When you change job, your pension options change too. It’s a great time to look at your pension provision and make some improvements.  Typically, you’ll have three options for your pension when you leave your job.  You can do nothing.  You can move it into the pension that comes with your new job.  Or you … Continued

How far does €500k go towards retirement in Ireland?

With the average pension pot in Ireland somewhere in the region of €90,000, a pension pot of half a million is something many people can only dream of. But how far would it get you?  We’ve carved up a notional €500,000 pension fund at retirement to see if it’s enough. Planning to retire soon, or … Continued

How to start a pension in Ireland


Should you be doing more for your retirement? Our free ebook guides you through your pension options and answers the three big questions to get you on your way to a well-planned retirement. 

How to start a pension in Ireland