Moneycube’s investment service is designed to make investing simple, convenient and great value.

If you’re thinking of investing your money, you’ll find the answers to many of your questions at your fingertips in our investment blog. From deciding how much to invest, to investment fund analysis, to meeting our users, click the links below to find out more, or visit our investments centre here.

Please remember that this blog is not financial advice. To receive advice and invest using Moneycube, click here.

How will the US presidential election affect my investment portfolio?

With less than a week until the US election, markets have stayed calm.  But the result could make quite a difference to some corners of the investment market. Moneycube examines the implications for your investment portfolio. Markets are pricing for Biden Right now, the markets are tentatively anticipating a win by Joe Biden. European investment giant … Continued

It’d be like a weight off my shoulders – meet Moneycube users

Investing your money is about more than chasing returns.  For Moneycube users, it’s about taking control of your money, and knowing you’re doing the right thing with your savings. At Moneycube we’ve been speaking to our users about what held them back from investing before now, and how investing makes them feel. Click the video … Continued

Irish Life MAPS review

Irish Life Multi-Asset Portfolios (or Irish Life MAPS) is hard to avoid.  It’s the biggest multi-asset range of funds in Ireland. It sometimes seems like its advertisements are on the side of every bus.  And AIB, Permanent TSB and Ulster Bank also promote it heavily. So is it right for you, and is there a … Continued

How to support employees’ financial wellbeing in a new work landscape

Financial worry is one of the knock-on effects of Covid. From our work advising on company pensions and benefits, here are some tips to help you insulate your employees. 2020 has seen our workplaces turned upside down.  A year ago, employers were thinking about pool tables and sofas to support their employees’ happiness. Today, the … Continued

Pensions Awareness Week launches today

Pensions Awareness Week is back!   Pensions Awareness Week is an initiative to raise awareness about retirement planning, and help people take charge of their long-term savings. This year, we’re going digital. Taking place from 21 to 25 September, we will host webcasts, offer content and consultations, and speak up in the media.   We’ve … Continued

Moneycube’s midyear market review 2020

If you’re in the habit of checking in on your investments every six months, you’ll have had a pretty uneventful investing year so far.  Many equity funds are flat, or even slightly ahead for the six months to the end of June 2020. Read on or jump to our newer midyear review 2021. But that … Continued


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How to get started investing in Ireland