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Best ways to invest €10,000 in Ireland

Moneycube is often asked about the investment alternatives for someone with around €10,000 to invest. Is there a worthwhile alternative to leaving the cash in the bank?  Yes, absolutely!  We’ve set out some considerations for someone with this kind of sum to invest. An investment fund is ideal With €10,000 at stake, the risk of … Continued

What’s the outlook for buy-to-let in Ireland?

Question of the month: I was considering an investment property at the start of this year.  What’s the outlook for buy-to-let? – GL, Carlow The coronavirus outbreak is accelerating many changes in Ireland.  Buy-to-let is definitely at the sharp end. At the start of 2020, a 7-year run of rising rents had already come to … Continued

Investing in blockchain in Ireland

It’s been said many times that data is the new oil.  Putting your money into big oil delivered massive returns in the 20th century.  Could investing in big data do the same in the 21st? There’s no doubt that there is a huge and growing demand for data management, processing and storage for the world’s financial, … Continued

Which sectors can perform strongly through the coronavirus crisis?

Just as the lockdown is affecting each of us in different ways, businesses have experienced very different impacts from the coronavirus crisis. Here’s Moneycube’s survey of four sectors which are well-positioned to perform for investors in Ireland through the coronavirus and beyond. 1. Healthcare and pharma There are two reasons healthcare and pharmaceutical stock are … Continued

5 ways you can still build a solid pension in your 40s

Feeling guilty about your pension plans?  Don’t. Fact is, many people in Ireland reach their 40s before they really start to think about how they’ll afford life when they stop working. The good news is that if you take action now, you have several decades of working life to see the benefits come through. Here … Continued

Is now the right time to invest?

 What a month that was for investors. In the space of 30 days: World shares fell by 16.7% in Euro terms The S&P 500 recorded the 7 largest ever one-day points gains (yes, gains) Oil dropped to its lowest price since 2002 The market’s ‘fear index’, the VIX, hit its highest level ever on 16 … Continued

Best place to invest money in Ireland in 2020

Jan 2025 update: Our more recent post highlights the best investment opportunities for your money in 2025. Welcome to Moneycube’s annual roundup of the best investments available in Ireland. We’ve chosen five funds we think have strong potential for the new decade. Despite choppy conditions in March 2020, whether you’re a new investor, looking to invest a large lump … Continued

Vanguard socially responsible (SRI) funds review

Vanguard index funds and ethical investing are two of the biggest investing trends in Ireland today. So what happens if you put both of them together? Here’s our review of Vanguard’s SRI (socially responsible investment) or ethical fund offering for Irish investors. Read on to find how you can construct an ethical portfolio for your … Continued


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How to get started investing in Ireland