Moneycube’s investment service is designed to make investing simple, convenient and great value.

If you’re thinking of investing your money, you’ll find the answers to many of your questions at your fingertips in our investment blog. From deciding how much to invest, to investment fund analysis, to meeting our users, click the links below to find out more, or visit our investments centre here.

Please remember that this blog is not financial advice. To receive advice and invest using Moneycube, click here.

Safe guys finish last: when investing is better than saving

Wondering if you should save or invest your money?  For many people the answer is to do a bit of both. How much depends on what the money’s for, and your financial situation. Here are five occasions when investing’s probably the best approach. Before we start though, remember everyone’s situation is different – Moneycube will … Continued

Why does investing seem so complicated?

Most people’s investment and pension aims are pretty simple.  To build up a nest egg for a house, a car, an education.  And to retire with a pension that lets you maintain your lifestyle, and maybe travel or do more of what you like to do. Why should that be so complicated? Investing can be … Continued

Investments – 7 investment experts share their wisdom

In the company of some great Irish financial commentators, Moneycube’s been blogging again on on alternatives to invest your savings in Ireland. Click through to read more from the investment experts about the perfect investment, alternatives to leaving your cash in the bank, investing in gold and more. When you’re done, come back to … Continued

How much do I need to start investing?

It’s almost never too early to start investing.  Moneycube takes a look at how much you need to start. What’s the minimum? As technology drives down the cost of accessing investments, it’s now possible to invest your money from €250 per month using Moneycube’s online service.  You can also give your savings plan a head … Continued

What smart investors do when the market falls

So, the inevitable has happened, and stock markets have taken a tumble over the last few days. Markets ended last week down around 5%.  It’s mainly due to the expectation that US and UK interest rates will climb, as their economies strengthen – on the face of it, a positive thing. What is the sensible … Continued

Best place to invest money in Ireland in 2018

Jan 2025 update: Our more recent post highlights the best investment opportunities for your money in 2025.   It’s time for Moneycube’s roundup of the best investments available in Ireland. Below we look at five funds we think have strong potential – in 2018 and beyond.  Remember all of these funds are available through our online investment … Continued

7 habits of successful savers in Ireland

You can build your wealth significantly if you establish the right saving and investing habits now.  Here are Moneycube’s 7 habits for success. 1.      Turn up Successful savers get stuck in. Sure, you can build up cash in the bank.  But with interest rates at near-zero, if you want to grow your savings, you need to … Continued

What is the best way to invest money each month?

Many of our customers want to set up a regular investment plan to grow their savings. Here’s Moneycube’s guide to understanding the options, figuring out what’s right for you, and putting your plans into action. Beyond the bank There are lots of ways to invest your money in Ireland if you’re looking beyond cash savings … Continued

What inflation did to your savings in December 2017

At Moneycube we believe more people should think about investing their savings. One big reason for that is because it is almost impossible to grow your money by leaving it on deposit in the bank.  Deposit rates continue at near-zero levels. And so did inflation in the last month of 2017, according to the Consumer … Continued


Should you be doing more with your money? Our free ebook guides you through your investment options and shows you how to avoid the investing pitfalls that could derail your finances.



How to get started investing in Ireland