If you are approaching retirement, Moneycube provides independent financial advice to help you plan for your future income.

Our retirement planning blog can help you figure out the income you’ll need in future and how best to take your retirement benefits, and you can read more at our approaching retirement centre here.

Please remember that this blog is not financial advice. To receive advice and plan your retirement using Moneycube, click here to contact us.

When can I retire if I was born in 1970?

Are you are a 1970s child and want to know when you can retire? In order to receive the State pension in Ireland, you’ll be waiting until at least 2038. But by making some changes now and taking charge of your pension plan, you might not have to wait that long to stop working. In … Continued

Standard Life GARS fund: time to head for the exit?

Is your money in Standard Life’s GARS fund?  If the answer is yes, it’s time to review your investment strategy – and the advice you’re getting. The Global Absolute Return Strategies fund has been a favourite for Irish financial advisers and brokers in recent years.  We’re wondering why. Got money stuck in GARS and wondering … Continued

Your pension options at retirement

For most of us, the days of a guaranteed pension for life from our employer are gone. If you’re reading this, your pension options at retirement are probably more complicated. These days, you have several choices to make use of your defined contribution pension pot. Most people have built up a ‘defined contribution’ pension fund … Continued

5 reasons you should avoid investments that charge early exit fees

For some reason, many people investing their money in Ireland get talked into investments which lock up their cash for five years or even longer.  Moneycube explains why most people should avoid investment plans that come with early exit fees attached. And if you’re considering a plan like this, we have some simple suggestions before … Continued

How much is the State pension in Ireland?

The State pension currently pays €265.30 per week, or around €13,795 per year (from January 2023). It is paid to people from the age of 66.  The age at which it’s paid is moving up: it’ll be paid from age 67 if you were born between 1955 and 1960, and from age 68 if you were … Continued

What’s an ARF?

An Approved Retirement Fund, or ARF, is a pot for your pension money after you retire. When you retire, the pension fund(s) you have paid into (perhaps an executive pension, a personal pension, or a PRSA), are available to you.  You can then take decisions on what to do with this money. One of your … Continued

What’s an AMRF?

An Approved Minimum Retirement Fund, or AMRF, is a pot for your pension money after you retire. Update Jan 2022: ARMFs were effectively abolished by the government from 1 January 2022. In practice, it’s very similar to an Approved Retirement Fund (ARF). If you were less than 75 years old, and don’t have a guaranteed pension … Continued

The difference starting today can make to your investments

We all feel that we should have done more to build up our savings and retirement plans. But what’s important is making a start today, not worrying about missed opportunities in the past. The reason for this is compounding – that is, when the growth in your investment is reinvested, and generates additional growth. The … Continued

60-second investments health check

Are your money plans financially fit?  Here’s Moneycube’s one-minute financial health check-up on your investments. Take the pulse of your investments This spring has seen a marked rise in volatility in the markets.  That will create winners and losers.  Do your investments fit with your true appetite for risk and reward? If you invested some … Continued

How to start a pension in Ireland


Should you be doing more for your retirement? Our free ebook guides you through your pension options and answers the three big questions to get you on your way to a well-planned retirement. 

How to start a pension in Ireland