AMRF changes – what’s happening?

There’s no doubt that the Irish pensions landscape could benefit from being simpler. So the abolition of Approved Minimum Retirement Funds, or AMRFs from 1 January 2022 is broadly to be welcomed. But what does it mean if you’re approaching retirement, or if you already have an AMRF?  We’ve set out the main considerations for … Continued

5 ideas to make the most of your finances in 2022

Whether you’re in a new job, recovery mode, or looking for new ways to maximise the extra cash you’re saving, we can help you sort your finances in 2022. Take stock of what you’ve got Last year was a great time to be invested.  For Euro-based investors, global markets rose by more than 27%. There … Continued

What does IORP II mean for company pensions in Ireland?

The effects of new European Union legislation IORP II (Institutions for Occupational Retirement Provision) last year are beginning to be felt in Ireland. Up to now, the focus has been on self-administered pensions, or SSAPs.  But what does IORP II mean for company pensions?  We’ve highlighted three principal issues to consider. 1. Stronger governance The overall … Continued

How did we do in 2021?

Each year, we pick a handful of investment funds available to Irish investors and highlight them on our blog.  We’ve charted below how our 2021 selections performed. Interested in our 2023 picks?  Click here to read more. There’s no doubt 2021 was a cracking year to have your money in investment funds, with equity markets … Continued

What will drive markets in 2022?

Predictions are hard – especially about the future, goes the old adage.  But many of the factors that drove a 27% return in developed markets for the first 11 months of 2021 are still with us going into 2022. So what should investors look out for in the markets in 2022?  Here are five trends … Continued

KBC investments are on the way out. What are the alternatives?

KBC investments are disappearing from the Irish landscape.  The bank is heading for the exit, and people in Ireland who have invested their savings with them have decisions to make. If you have a regular or lump sum investment with KBC Bank, what should you do? We outline your options. This article is on regular … Continued