September inflation: what it did to your savings

At Moneycube we believe more people should think about investing their savings. One big reason for that is that it is almost impossible now to grow your savings by leaving them in the bank.  Deposit rates continue to snooze at zero per cent or near it. Prices eased off in September… Consumers got some respite … Continued

Low-risk investment: the Moneycube approach

Yep, we know.  All investing involves risk.  But there is a surprising amount you can do to invest your money, at a sensible level of risk.  As an online investment advice service, Moneycube works with you to find the appropriate low-risk investment fund for your needs. Here are five ‘Do’s’ and one ‘Don’t’ for a … Continued

Best way to invest €100,000

What would you do with a €100,000 windfall? Moneycube has been evaluating the market for the strongest options if you’re planning to invest a six-figure sum. The portfolio in the table below is a great route to a highly diverse, great value investment run by some of the best fund managers in the world. Read … Continued

5 tips for the beginner investor in Ireland

Keen to make the most of your money?  Considering investing your money for the first time? Read Moneycube’s 5 practical tips for the beginner investor before you take the plunge. 1. Start small… and make it a habit Investing is not only for the wealthy – it’s for those who want to become wealthy.  What’s … Continued

DIY investing: the true costs

Moneycube believes we should all take control of our money. But that doesn’t mean you should do everything yourself.  Putting your investment plans together isn’t as easy as assembling a flat-pack (and even that gets complicated). Here are some reasons to think twice before getting your financial overalls on, and to consider web-based financial advice … Continued

Active or passive investments? The trillion-dollar question

Passive investment funds have made investing cheaper and better – whether you use them or not! We’ve been blogging on about the benefits of actively managed investments vs passive, or indexed funds. What’s the difference? Actively managed funds are run by a fund manager who – as the name suggests – is actively trying to grow … Continued

Capital protected investments: just say no

Lots of investors in Ireland are advised by Irish brokers to put their money into capital protected investments.  At Moneycube, we believe these investments aren’t right for most people. Capital protected investments (also sold as kick-out bonds, tracker-bonds and guaranteed structured products) are sometimes presented as a one-way bet. You might think your capital is guaranteed, … Continued

Best commercial property investment funds

Update 29 Jan 2020: Irish property funds under pressure as investors rush for the exit.  Read Moneycube’s view There’s no getting away from Irish people’s love of property investment. Now buying a house to live in might be increasingly difficult.  But commercial property investment funds offer you a bite-sized way to get financial exposure to … Continued

Saving and investing: is there a difference?

Some people use the words saving and investing interchangeably. At Moneycube, we believe the key distinction is how you build the money up. Savings are what you are tucking away regularly.  Most people would like some savings for short- and medium-term financial goals like a new car, or an emergency fund.  Savings are often – … Continued