How to set your investment goals

A UK study a few years back found that people who set an investment goal save 44% more each month than those who don’t.  Setting a goal makes you think about your financial needs and how you’re going to achieve them.  And it sets you on a timeline to get there. 4 buckets In the … Continued

How did Irish shares do in the first six months of 2017?

Time to take a halftime score on Irish listed companies.  Looking at the ISEQ 20 index, it’s clear Irish shares had a good six months.  The index is up 6% from the start of January. In reality, this is thanks to the performance of a handful of companies.  Just 6 companies make up nearly 80% … Continued

Get into the habit of regular investing

A regular investment plan has some big advantages. Here are Moneycube’s tips for setting up a solid plan. Look for growth You’ll be saving this cash for some time.  So if you are putting away a significant amount each month, look for something that has a chance to grow – i.e., not just a bank … Continued

Why do Irish people save so much, and invest so little?

When it comes to saving or investing, sticking money in the bank has long been the winner in Ireland.  Households here now have a whopping €92 billion in deposits in banks and credit unions.  That works out at something like €55,000 per household. It’s a lot of cash to have lying around when the banks … Continued

Your personal budget: the 50/20/30 rule

One part of a decent financial plan is a regular budget for your monthly income and spending.  Most of us need some simple rules of thumb to get into good habits and start growing our wealth.  That’s where the 50/20/30 rule comes in.  Originally set out in a book by Harvard scholar and US Senator … Continued

What is a PRSA?

What is a PRSA?  A personal retirement savings account, or PRSA, is Ireland’s 21st century pension plan.  It’s the plan that works in a world where you’ll probably work for a bunch of companies through your career.  It’s designed for a world where lots of us work for small companies, and the gold-plated pensions of … Continued

How much should I have in my rainy day fund?

Everyone needs to prepare for the unexpected.  An emergency fund you can access when you need it most is probably the most important savings goal you can set yourself. But this cash needs to be accessible fast, and very low-risk.  That means your rainy day fund is not going to grow very quickly as an … Continued

3.5 great Irish fintech businesses you can use right now

There’s some great stuff going on when it comes to managing your money in Ireland right now.    You can borrow, lend, exchange and invest your money using Irish fintech businesses, no problem.  We’ve picked out a bunch of sites that might tempt you to do the modern thing. CurrencyFair This is the place to … Continued