Generation X: reasons to be cheerful

A recent report was pretty downbeat on financial prospects for Generation X. Here are some Monday morning reasons to be cheerful if you feel like you’re in the squeezed middle. You’ve got time Money needs time to grow. The good news is that Generation X-ers have the time to put some money aside and get … Continued

What inflation did to your savings in June

June inflation figures mean your money buys a little less this month. At Moneycube we believe more people should think about investing their savings for growth. One big reason for that is that it is almost impossible now to make any money by leaving it on deposit in the bank.  Deposit rates continue at near-zero … Continued

How much investment risk should you take?

Here’s our outline of some real investment risks you’re taking with your money, and how to manage them. You’ll find a full evaluation of your attitude to investment risk when you use Moneycube’s online investment service. 1. Missed opportunities Taking no risks is a risk in itself!  Lots of us fail to give our money … Continued

Best place to invest money in Ireland in 2017

Jan 2025 update: Our more recent post highlights the best investment opportunities for your money in 2025. Question: Where’s the best place to invest your money in 2017? Answer: it depends.  And if anyone offers you ‘the’ answer to this question, it is almost certainly too good to be true.  There is no single best place to … Continued

Pay yourself first: the best way to make regular investments

Paying yourself first is probably the oldest rule in the book.  The idea is simple.  When income lands in your current account, before you do anything else, put some away in regular investments and savings. And first means first: before your housing, food or other costs. Your wealth is the most important thing Clearly your … Continued

What kind of investor are you?

We all want to build up our money – the hard bit is figuring out how you’re going to do it.  At Moneycube, we see three main kinds of investor. Read our profiles below, figure out where you fit and get some ideas on how you might get your money working better for you. The … Continued

Money makes money: the joy of compounding

Compounding is about getting interest on your interest, rather than just on your original money.  Over time, this has a massive effect on the growth of your savings.  And investment funds are a great way to get compounding to work for you.  Here’s why. The maths is in your favour Take an example of €10,000 … Continued

How to set your investment goals

A UK study a few years back found that people who set an investment goal save 44% more each month than those who don’t.  Setting a goal makes you think about your financial needs and how you’re going to achieve them.  And it sets you on a timeline to get there. 4 buckets In the … Continued

How did Irish shares do in the first six months of 2017?

Time to take a halftime score on Irish listed companies.  Looking at the ISEQ 20 index, it’s clear Irish shares had a good six months.  The index is up 6% from the start of January. In reality, this is thanks to the performance of a handful of companies.  Just 6 companies make up nearly 80% … Continued