Why it’s never too late to start a pension… and what you should do today

It’s never too late to start a pension.  And with generous tax relief, longer lifespans and lots of investment options, it’s almost always worth doing.  Moneycube explains why, and what you should do to start a pension today. Good reasons for starting late Many people worry they haven’t started saving for retirement early enough.  But … Continued

Moneycube’s midyear market review 2022

There have been some dramatic changes in financial markets – and the world in general – over the last six months.  As we approach the half-year market, it’s time to look at what has happened, how things are likely to unfold in the second half of 2022, and what it means for your investments and … Continued

What’s the “small benefit exemption”?

The small benefit exemption is a concession which lets employers in Ireland give staff a voucher – but not cash – free of tax. In Budget 2023, the value of the small benefit exemption was doubled from €500 to €1,000 per year, effective from 2022. From an employer’s perspective, no employer PRSI applies to the … Continued

Question of the month: How many investment funds should I hold?

I’m investing a lump sum over the next few months, and want to keep things fairly simple.  At the same time, I’m aware there’s a need to avoid putting all my eggs in one basket, and to spread my risk instead.  Is one investment fund enough?  Or how many investment funds should I hold? – TM, … Continued

What’s going on in the global bond market?

Traditionally seen as a safer bet, bonds have been a loss-maker for Irish investors so far in 2022. Stock markets might grab the headlines. But the bond market is bigger, and has been experiencing tough times of its own. One major bond index, the Bloomberg Global Aggregate, is down nearly 9% for Euro investors over … Continued

Approaching retirement age? A conversation with Bonkers.ie

A person who’s approaching retirement today, could spend as much time in retirement as they did while working. Planning for how you’ll fund it is vital. We’ve been speaking with comparison site Bonkers.ie on what it means for people in Ireland. Listen to the podcast, or read the transcript below – updated for 2022 conditions – … Continued

How do I invest in the metaverse?

The metaverse entered the real world in a big way in late 2021. Facebook rebranded itself as Meta Platforms, and announced it was investing $10 billion a year there, effectively staking the future of its business on the metaverse. So what is it, and how do I invest in the metaverse? What’s the metaverse? Trying … Continued