A financial plan isn’t just a monthly budget. It’s a roadmap to financial freedom, confidence and security.

From how to choose a financial advisor to understanding common financial terms, our financial planning blog will help you move towards your financial goals.

Please remember that this blog is not financial advice. To receive advice using Moneycube, click here to contact us.

7 habits of successful savers in Ireland

You can build your wealth significantly if you establish the right saving and investing habits now.  Here are Moneycube’s 7 habits for success. 1.      Turn up Successful savers get stuck in. Sure, you can build up cash in the bank.  But with interest rates at near-zero, if you want to grow your savings, you need to … Continued

What is the best way to invest money each month?

Many of our customers want to set up a regular investment plan to grow their savings. Here’s Moneycube’s guide to understanding the options, figuring out what’s right for you, and putting your plans into action. Beyond the bank There are lots of ways to invest your money in Ireland if you’re looking beyond cash savings … Continued

Where next for investing in 2018?

2017 was a great year for investors.  What does 2018 hold? By any standard, people who invested their money in 2017 did well.  After markets closed last Friday, the FTSE All-World index of global shares was up a whopping 22 per cent.  That was its biggest gain since the crash, and fourth-best year in the … Continued

Lifting the lid on investment costs

Investment costs are one of the few things you can control in the world of finance.  Future performance may vary.  Costs are certain. For the Irish investor, it’s often impossible to get a picture of the true costs of accessing an investment. Moneycube’s out to change that. Click here to read our article in the December … Continued

Should I pay off my mortgage early, or invest?

Low interest rates mean many Irish people can accelerate repayments and pay off their mortgage early. But is this the best use of your cash?  Or could you make more money by investing? Moneycube examines the options. Nice one Firstly – well done.  If you’re in a position to consider overpaying your house loan, you’re … Continued

Saving and investing for grandchildren

Investing for grandchildren is a long term game.  Moneycube outlines the options available in Ireland, and explains our preferred approach. How much? Let’s cut to the chase.  Your approach to saving for your grandchild’s future depends heavily on how much cash you’re planning to put away, and how quickly. Play it smart, and you can … Continued

What is investing?

Dictionary corner: What is investing?  It is committing money now in the expectation of future profit. Sounds great Moneycube, but what does it really mean, and is it for me? If you’ve landed here, you’re probably tired of watching your bank savings ebb away through charges and price rises.  Maybe you’ve read one of our … Continued

5 millennial money mistakes…and how to solve them

Not every millennial is spending their cash on avocado toast and cortado coffees. In fact, many in their twenties and early thirties know that doing the right thing now can make a massive difference to your wealth. But translating that into practical steps can be hard.  Tired of reading about how you’re doing it wrong? … Continued