If you are approaching retirement, Moneycube provides independent financial advice to help you plan for your future income.

Our retirement planning blog can help you figure out the income you’ll need in future and how best to take your retirement benefits, and you can read more at our approaching retirement centre here.

Please remember that this blog is not financial advice. To receive advice and plan your retirement using Moneycube, click here to contact us.

Pensions Awareness Week is on the way!

Pensions Awareness Week Ireland (PAW) is back and bigger than ever!  Join Moneycube and over twenty other contributors from 19 – 23 September to create a roadmap for your financial future. PAW22 will offer: 1. Free financial information and a series of online events covering the A to Z of pensions 2. Free 1-2-1 consultations on your pension 3. We’ll also … Continued

Look under the lid before investing in UK markets in 2022

All eyes are on the UK just now following the death of Queen Elizabeth.  Are the UK’s financial markets also at a turning point? In a difficult year for most regions, UK markets have outperformed so far.  The FTSE100 index of top 100 companies is down around 5.5% in Euro terms (and only around 2% … Continued

Question of the month: should I reduce my monthly pension payment?

I pay €600 into my pension each month. But money is getting tighter – and on top of that, my pension’s performance has been woeful this year. Should I stop paying in until things settle? – Anon With inflation above 9 per cent, cutting costs is sensible. It’s tempting to reduce your monthly pension commitment: … Continued

Act now to update your direct debits

Two banks are departing the Irish market in 2022.  That means somewhere around 10 million direct debits will need to be changed! If you bank with KBC or Ulster Bank, it’s well worth acting now before the rush to update the direct debit for your regular payment. If you’re changing bank and have a regular … Continued

Investing in Vanguard LifeStrategy funds in Ireland

One of the most popular fund ranges, from one of the most popular investment managers, just got easier to access in Ireland.  Vanguard LifeStrategy became readily available to Ireland-based investors in late 2021. Vanguard’s LifeStrategy funds have in fact been available in Ireland for some years… but only in sterling funds, with high minimum investments, … Continued

Why it’s never too late to start a pension… and what you should do today

It’s never too late to start a pension.  And with generous tax relief, longer lifespans and lots of investment options, it’s almost always worth doing.  Moneycube explains why, and what you should do to start a pension today. Good reasons for starting late Many people worry they haven’t started saving for retirement early enough.  But … Continued

Moneycube’s midyear market review 2022

There have been some dramatic changes in financial markets – and the world in general – over the last six months.  As we approach the half-year market, it’s time to look at what has happened, how things are likely to unfold in the second half of 2022, and what it means for your investments and … Continued

How to start a pension in Ireland


Should you be doing more for your retirement? Our free ebook guides you through your pension options and answers the three big questions to get you on your way to a well-planned retirement. 

How to start a pension in Ireland